Andrea Hunt

I support families with unsettled babies, toddlers and young children improving sleep and behaviour.

Andrea Hunt


Qualified Sleep Consultant Post Graduate in Prenatal and Postnatal care Diploma Of Early childhood

About me

Hello I’m Andrea! A qualified sleep consultant based in Melbourne, Australia, and I am passionate about supporting families with unsettled babies, toddlers, and young children to 5yrs. I aim to improve both sleep and behavior in children, so families can feel more confident with parenting. As a qualified sleep consultant, I have undergone comprehensive training and gained 20 years of experience addressing sleep and behaviour issues in children. I have 3 girls, and understand the challenges that come with sleep deprivation and the impact it can have on the family. My holistic approach dives deep into a child’s temperament, diet, routines, medical issues, sleep environment, behaviour, mental health and parenting styles. I aim to empower parents by filling their toolkit with options that feel right. You won’t find any “cry it out” here. Just gentle sleep, and positive toddler discipline. I have a kind, and gentle approach and aim to make infant sleep and toddler behaviour easier.

How we’ll connect

What to expect

I will run through a list of questions to gather as much information as possible and answer any questions you may have. We will discuss options together and set up a plan for you to confidently start making change with sleep and/or behaviour with your little one. You can take notes, and most clients only need one follow up call a few weeks later.
